Updated: August 03, 2024


Dominica has sustained extensive degradation in its productivity and sustainable capacity over the past 25 years. Indeed, it is highly likely that Dominica is now in a state of irreversible financial regression, irreversible environmental decay and human distress that will be difficult to resuscitate; akin to what has confronted Haiti after the Duvalier era and is now confronting Venezuela. Then, as now, there is widespread poverty, greater dependence on a financially strapped government, escalating migration to other Caribbean Islands and North America, but for some there is nowhere to turn. For those in doubt that Dominica has reached catastrophic decline, they are mesmerized by the shinny objects and buildings increasing owned by a few locals and Foreigners (from middle east, Russian Federation, China); they are ignorant of the plight of farmers from previously prosperous villages like St. Joseph, Salisbury, Wesley, Marigot and Woodford Hill. 

Over the past 2 and one-half-decades, there has been a rapid decline in exports, manufacturing and Agriculture has collapsed on this once highly productive island. Concurrently, there has been increasing dependence on a fragile tourism industry and rapid growth of an industry of Diversion of Public Funds and Money Laundering through construction of Hotels with no purpose (Washing Machines) and overpriced public housing without accountability (Sanitizers).  So, who or what aspect of Dominican society will bear the brunt of the blame for destruction of Dominica? Logically, it will be those who stood by while the atrocities occurred, those persons and institutions who assisted in the atrocities and those individuals and institutions who defended public corruption and criminal behavior in public office because they were benefiting. Particularly, those who benefited from Dominica's monies being in Dubai rather than in the Consolidated government accounts in Dominica.

Who are these individuals who, without fear or favor, should be blamed?

1. All those who participated in the illegal practice of diverting and debasing the resources: Successive DLP Administration, Current and immediate past President, the Attorney General and an Army of  Greedy, misinformation-peddling Lawyers who have benefited handily from citizenship sale to Foreigners. The latter group has served as DLP defense against public accountability and they have been paid handily to do so. They advise the Administration, sit on multiple statutory bodies and on the critical Electoral Commission.  And, without exception are all Passport Sellers and/or Hoteliers.

2. Senior ranks of the Dominica Police Force: for repeatedly and maliciously carrying DLP water in nail-punctured bassinets. This group includes current and immediate past Commissioner and assistant superintendents  amongst others.

 3. The Churches and their Leaders: For turning a blind eye while atrocities were being committed against the people of Dominica in exchange for a few pieces of silver to rebuild shattered churches. Church rehabilitation is the responsibility of local, regional and international organizations. There is a special place in history for these organization - appeasers of atrocities against humans

4.  Hypocritical OECS and CARICOM leaders who have turned a blind eye to,  and even participated in, atrocities against Dominican. Here we refer to leaders in Antigua and Barbuda,  St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Barbados who previously sent the RSS troups to tear-gas the people of Salisbury in the run-up to the December 2019 General Election and who came to celebrate DLP victory after that General elections in December 2019. St.Lucia did send troops to RS contigent which participated in the Internationally illegal act of gasing people while asleep. For this atrocity against the people of Salisbury, those who were responsible including the DLP leader (Roosevelt Skerrit), former police Chief (Daniel Carbon), Ralph Gonzalves (SVG), Gaston Brown (Antigua and Barbuda), Mia Motley (Barbados) should not only be brought to justice but should be documented in history individuals who contributed to the destruction of Democracy in Dominica.  The people of Salisbury and Marigot demonstrated they do not wish to condone criminality and, thus far, successfully thwarted DLP's effort to create a one-party Parliament in sham elections of December 6, 2022. By so doing, a message is also sent to the aforementioned OECS hypocrites. 

It is anticipated that history may be kind to the people of Salisbury, Roseau North, Marigot, the patriots in the opposition movement and Dominican Diaspora who took a stance against rampant public corruption and unfettered criminality by the DLP Administration. On the other-hand, for those who displayed selfishness, zeal for self-preservation and chose power and material over country, the day of reckoning awaits.