Updated: October 29, 2017


Oct 29, 2017
Is it time to decentralize government services in Dominica? What would be the short and longterm benefits to Dominicans and Dominica? Is time to designate Roseau as the Administrative Capital and develop Portsmonth into a structured, modern Commercial Center. Are there benefits of moving some government services to Laplaine, Salisbury and Marigot? Why isn't the Ministry of Kalingo Affairs centered in the Kalingo territory to provide services to those in the area from Atkinson to Castle Bruce? Would the ministry of Culture be better suited in Grand Bay, the undesignated cultural capital of Dominica? 

These provocative ideas seems far fetched, but may be starting point to reshaping Dominica. In many countries including Canada, USA and Australia among others, the seat of government administration is not the commercial capital. The same goes for many states within several larger nations. In Dominica, this could have several advantages. Firstly, many villages have been dying as they have lost agricultural activity and their trained people have moved to the capital city where all work seems to be concentrated. Decentralizing government services and commercial activities would help to stem this trend. 

Other facets of the economy would stand to benefit due to increased commercial activity and need to service a larger population base. Housing, agriculture, fisheries, culture and other local commercial activities unique to each village / town stand to benefit from such a realignment. It is time to give this serious consideration. The idea that decentralization may be more costly would be offset by the additional commercial and financial activities that would be transferred to those areas impacted by the shift from one central hub. From the perspective of lifestyle, environment and general well being, decentralization of Service and commercial activity would alleviate the clutter, traffic jams and improve air quality in Roseau.